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Sunday 4 October 2015

Cloud Computing=Cluster Computing +Grid Computing

 In above Diagram we can see that clouds were contains the data of organizations  and it contains more than one server so these are the CLUSTERS and all Clusters were connected to each other and all Clusters are in one NETWORK so it is GRID and and overall it is a “CLOUD COMPUTING”.
                                                 In Cloud Computing all set of servers that is CLUSTER'S are connected to each other so that it works as one SYSTEM.we can access our data anytime anywhere by using INTERNET.

Cloud computing is an extension of the object-oriented programming concept of abstraction. Abstraction, as explained earlier, removes the complex working details from visibility. All that is visible is an interface, which receives inputs and provides outputs. How these outputs are computed is completely hidden.

 A cloud is similar; it applies the concept of abstraction in a physical computing environment, by hiding the true processes from a user. In a cloud computing environment, data can exist on multiple servers, details of network connections are hidden and the user is none the wiser. In fact, cloud computing is so named because a cloud is often used to depict inexact knowledge of inner workings.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Grid Computing

Grid computing is a processor architecture that combines computer resources from various domains to reach a main objective. In grid computing, the computers on the network can work on a task together, thus functioning as a supercomputer. 

Typically, a grid works on various tasks within a network, but it is also capable of working on specialized applications. It is designed to solve problems that are too big for a supercomputer while maintaining the flexibility to process numerous smaller problems. Computing grids deliver a multiuser infrastructure that accommodates the discontinuous demands of large information processing.

Grid computing is heterogeneous.

As from above diagram let's take one example.If you have one small company in one place,you have client machines and servers to keep your company's work data,if your Company grows and you have to expand your company so that you started branch on another city with client machines and servers.If you wanted your company work as one organisation you have to connect your all branches to each other so that you can access your work data from anywhere.Connecting servers to each others to work as one system is called as "GRID COMPUTING".

Friday 26 September 2014


Cloud computing and Grid computing

                        Cloud computing is not a new thing, lots of companies were using this from many years,before this, we are not familiar with this.So my aim is to give you a proper knowledge about cloud computing.
                       Cloud is a service which we store our data and access that data from anywhere using internet.If we store our data in our hard disk sometime  the restriction is space.Sometime space in your hard disk is full ,if you don't want to delete any data. SO WHAT TO DO..........????
HEre is the Answer,USE CLOUD.Cloud provides you service that you get lots of memory space  to save your data.

You know GMAIL which all word uses for mail purpose,it is also a Cloud. Gmail provides customer upto 10Gb free data so that all customer use their service,after 10GB if you want extended memory space so Gmail provides that memory space but, you "HAVE to PAY "for that.

Cloud is one of the fastest growing service in the word so you have to know about this.

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet. In other words cloud computing is the combination of cluster computing and grid computing
Let’s take one example,
            Consider one person started his business so he wants some client machine and one server, if his business grows then he want more client machines so the result is load on server, if you want to overcome that load then you have to attach another server or take mainframe server so that it balance the load, this is called as CLUSTER COMPUTING.
             ”CLUSTER computing is nothing but COLLECTION of TWO or MORE servers”.
Server is collection of data which can be accessed from client computers. Server is used for database storage. For example, server is connected with 10 or 15 client machines, so that client machine access data from database which is present in server. Different applications are running at a time which they accessing data from server.
To know cloud computing you have to know about cluster computing and Grid computing.

Cluster computing:
                     Cluster computing is the collection of two or more servers connected to the client machines.Cluster computing is Homogeneous.May be it has same operating system may be there is same Software running so that when you saved data either it is present on 1st server or second server..so that you can access that data from any server.


As from above figure we can see that two servers were connected to the client machines.Basically cluster computing is use for load sharing and load balancing.

we can see that above cluster are connected to each other to make as one system.Cluster computing is advanced version of client server computing.